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Pencil Me In

Getting in the mood for cooler weather and a pumpkin harvest are, from left to right: Laura Jackson, Mary Beth Fisher, Debra Fosnight, Sally Fullington, Linda Fletcher, Fran Fowler, Laurie Laramie, and Rindy Avis. Seated is Kristine Archuleta.

Nancy Friedman Ten Robson Ranchers joined teachers Karen Cutrell and Nancy Friedman in their beginning colored pencil class sponsored by the Fine Arts Guild on Sept. 15. Instruction was provided by a DVD and the use of the Guild’s overhead projector. Karen provided drawings of a basic pumpkin and then demonstrated the techniques used by…

Operation Christmas Child Annual Shoebox Packing Party November 11

Robson Ranch, in conjunction with Rock Springs Church, will once again be participating in Operation Christmas Child (OCC) worldwide packing of shoeboxes. Operation Christmas Child provides shoeboxes filled with toys, hygiene items, and school supplies to children all over the world who have never received a gift. OCC is a division of Samaritan’s Purse, a world leader…

Thanks to Our Heroes

Jaine Toth In observance of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on our country, the Robson Ranch Paper Crafting Club honored our local first responders with handmade cards of appreciation for their continuous courageous service to the community (one for each of the first responders at the respective stations), along with homemade muffins and…

Write On…

Jaine Toth After a several year hiatus, the Robson Ranch writers’ group, Write On …, has re-formed. At a prior planning meeting, it was decided to begin the first half-hour of meetings with writing exercises, led by the members themselves. In lieu of an exercise, Bob Rice opened our first gathering with a presentation on…

Support Our Troops–Arizona Veterans Week Fundraiser

Eddie Peters It’s been two years since we have been able to hold events, and this year’s program has something for everyone. Support Our Troops–AZ (SOT–AZ) provides for the material, physical, and emotional needs of our military men and women, active-duty and veterans alike. Over the years, we have given approximately $175,000 to support veteran…

Robson Ranch Singers: We’re Ba-a-ack!

Marsha Oliver It was Friday, March 13, 2020, and we had completed another successful concert series just two days before and were celebrating when the emails started coming. Later we realized we were very lucky to have held our concerts before the pandemic hit and shut everything down. It’s been 18 long months and we’re…

SOT Sponsors 8th Annual Veteran’s Week Fundraiser

Eddie Peters Support Our Troops Arizona (SOT–AZ) is a nonprofit charitable organization and an Arizona nonprofit corporation. The mission is to provide for the material, physical, and emotional needs of our military men and women, active, reserve, and retired, at home and abroad. Volunteers provide emergency, urgent, and immediate assistance to active-duty soldiers and veterans,…

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party November 11 and 12

Dave and Bev Douglas Once again, Robson Ranch, along with Rock Springs Church, will be participating in Operation Christmas Child’s world-wide packing of shoeboxes. Operation Christmas Child (OCC) provides shoeboxes filled with toys, hygiene items, and school supplies to children all over the world who have never received a gift. OCC is a division of…

Going Big in Studio II

Nancy Friedman, Co-Education Chair With summer upon us and many snowbirds gone until mid-October, a couple of the monitors have started a summer project to keep members coming down to the studio to paint in acrylics and oils. The project is named “Going Big.” One of our members, Susan Halley, donated some rolled canvas, and…