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Save the Date!

Marsha Oliver Mark your calendars for the Robson Ranch Singers’ concert “Home for the Holidays.” There will be performances on Dec. 12 and 13. If you’re a singer and want to learn more about joining us, please contact our director, Laurie Laramie, at [email protected].

Word of the Month: Piastre

David Zapatka Reader Chuck Hakkarinen, commenting on the May WOTM column, writes, “In the 20th century, Paladin was the name of the character played by actor Richard Boone in the TV western “Have Gun, Will Travel.” He was quite the dandy, living in San Francisco, quoting the Classics, fast on the draw. I think he typically…

Summer Sewing

Barbara Renthal Can you believe it is August already? Time to put away the little flags and patriotic table runners. The red, white, and blue quilts we bring out to mark the mid-summer holidays are being folded and stored for next summer. Out come the sunflowers and more muted colors of the approaching shorter days and…

Magical Glass Flowers

Doris Betuel The Robson Ranch Fused Glass Club is thrilled to showcase the flowery panel created by member Marita Hickman. Through trial and error, Marita has created this magical window display of flowers and insect buddies. The window is 4 by 6 feet of glass flowers and vines with flowers, each measuring a foot or…

Summer Cleaning…in Pottery

As with any studio, over time, tables need cleaning, cabinets get dirty, and shelves get disorganized. Last month, the Ceramics and Pottery Club decided that it was time to get the studio back into order. A dozen volunteer members got down to business and dusted, washed, and organized for hours. All the cabinets were emptied,…

The Wedding Planner

Pastor Frank DeFusco Every people and nation celebrate the covenant of marriage in their own particular way. And in the Galilean region of Jesus’ time, the Jews had theirs. It starts with the father of the groom making the match (Shiddukhim) with the son’s approval. Next, the covenant (Ketubah) is made in writing to the bride…


Pastor Chet Kwiat There is a great deal of talk about who is the greatest, especially among sports enthusiasts. In every athletic endeavor there seems to always be the discussion about who was the greatest. Was Michael Jordan the greatest basketball player ever? Or Is LeBron James the greatest? Ty Cobb thought he was the…

Created With Love

Cynthia Melito, President of the Stained Glass Club Lynn Hooper joined the Stained Glass Club in February 2021, and after completing my beginner’s class, she progressed to advanced projects rather quickly. While she and her husband, Peter, were traveling Europe last July through December, she emailed many pictures of stained glass cathedral windows created by…

Sports Club Instructor Highlight

Each month we will highlight one or two of our instructors, massage therapists, and staff. You can see how their talents and expertise can help you achieve your fitness goals! Meet Our Newest Instructor! We are pleased to introduce Rachel Conrad, our newest fitness instructor. We’re thrilled to have her on board and can’t wait to…

History of Cross Stitch—Needle Crafters

Needle work has existed as long as there has been cloth to work it on. Pieces of embroidery and needlework have been found preserved in ancient Egyptian tombs and in medieval churches all over the world. The first printed pattern book was made in Germany in 1524. The first fabric made specifically for cross stitch was…