Tag: tennis


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Tennis Anyone? Come Join Us on Saturdays

At the annual meeting of the Tennis Club at Robson Ranch, elections took place for the three executive board positions that expired on June 30. The newly elected officers are Dennis Winders, president; Gary See, treasurer; and John Milliard, member-at-large. Those three join the other two officers, Pauline Graham, secretary, and Cj Azaria, member-at-large, for…

Robson Ranch Tennis Club Hosts Palm Creek

On Feb. 24, tennis players from Palm Creek traveled to Robson Ranch to compete against our tennis club players in women’s doubles, men’s doubles, and mixed doubles. Starting at 9 a.m. after serving a continental breakfast, tennis matches began and continued until 1 p.m. A street taco bar lunch was served to everyone who played…

Tennis Club Annual Meeting and Cornhole Tournament

On April 14, the Tennis Club held its Friday Night Social, along with the annual meeting. Players hit the courts from 4 to 5:45 p.m., playing mixed doubles social round-robin format. Following the tennis, members of the club and their spouses headed to the Grill for the annual meeting, grilled hamburgers and hot dogs meal…

Tennis Club Begins a New Year

Since the fall season, Tennis Club at Robson Ranch has already competed in three social tournaments against communities from Chandler. The Robson team won against Sunbird and Springfield; however, they competed against a strong team from Trilogy, and although the score was 12 court wins for Trilogy with 7 court wins for Robson, each court played…

Get Back into the Swing of Things

The Tennis Club of Robson Ranch has many activities planned for the 2022–23 season. Why not check out the bulletin board, which is located at the side doors of the Sports Club, to get involved! Women hit the courts three to four days a week. Monday and sometimes Thursday mornings are dedicated to playing doubles…

Getting Back in the Swing

Although we play tennis all summer, it can be difficult to find people who can and will play tennis in the hot months. When the season changes, players begin their return to the Ranch, and it’s easier to get courts filled. The Tennis Club at Robson Ranch has planned several events for the next few…

Tennis Club Updates

Tennis Club held its annual election for three offices on the executive board for the fiscal year of July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023. Two members of the board have one year remaining, and are Pauline Graham, secretary, and CJ Azaria, who was appointed as member-at-large after a recent resignation. Originally from Pittsburgh, Penn., CJ and…

Tennis Club travels to Sunbird for tournament

David Cannella Members of the Robson Ranch Tennis Club traveled to play members of the Sunbird Tennis Club in Chandler on Saturday, Nov. 9. More than 36 players, including 17 from Robson Ranch, played women’s, men’s, and mixed double matches, and enjoyed a luncheon provided by the Sunbird club. The Robson Tennis Club has participated…

Bradshaw Tennis – The biggest tournament in Sun Lakes

Lots of planning goes into the Bradshaw Tournament. Shown holding the banner are Len Vogelaar, Jerry Higgins, Judy Grefsheim, Al Wagner (past co-chairman), Linda Vogelaar, and CTC President Mary Ann Rice.

Penny Petersen The Bradshaw Tennis Tournament, sponsored by the Cottonwood Tennis Club, will take place Monday, Nov. 11 through Saturday, Nov. 16. The Bradshaw is the largest and most exciting tournament of the year for both participants and spectators. Entry is open to all Robson Communities in the area, and all the Cottonwood courts are used for…