Category: March 2022


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Material Girls Have Been Busy

Susie Klopp What have the Material Girls been doing with all that fabric that you saw last month? Getting ready for the Spring Craft Fair, of course! Our members have been working awfully hard to have lots of beautiful spring and summer things. Be sure to come see us in the Hermosa Ballroom on Saturday,…

Mah Jongg Fun Day

Mah Jongg T-shirts added to the fun!

On Monday, Jan. 24, the 6th Mah Jongg Fun Day was held at Robson Ranch, with 51 Mah Jongg players in attendance. The attendees played 16 hands of Mah Jongg throughout the day. To keep their energy level up, the players enjoyed snacks and desserts in the Laredo/Cheyenne rooms and a lovely luncheon of pizza and…

What’s New with the Jewelry Club?

Judi Mutal-Gove You are invited to join the Jewelry Club at Robson Ranch! Whether you are brand new to crafting jewelry, somewhat experienced, or very experienced, there is a place for you in the Robson Ranch Jewelry Club. The goal of the Jewelry Club is to promote interest and training in the art of jewelry…

Robson Ranch Library Having a Used Books Sale

Saturday, March 12, is a great day to get used books from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Ranch House Fireside Room. It’s your opportunity to add to your own library of fiction and nonfiction books—choose from mystery, romance, espionage, thrillers, biography, history, and much more. Hardbacks and paperbacks are included, and most books…

Beginning Drawing Class Full of Pleasant Surprises

Drawings by the absolute beginner class

Mary Beth Fisher Wednesday, Jan. 19, in the Robson Ranch Art Center, a room full of residents waited eagerly for Laurie Laramie, a Robson Ranch resident, and her class “Drawing for the Absolute Beginner.” Drawing from her long career in teaching, particularly kindergarten and first graders, she used her skills to do a clear and…

News from the Sky: Sky Harbor Provides Caring Help to Individuals with Disabilities

The Compassion Corner provides a space for special needs travelers who need a sensory break from the airport environment.

Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport Treating individuals with disabilities with the sensitivity and respect they deserve is a top priority at Phoenix Sky Harbor. This caring assistance was recently enhanced when Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego announced steps toward making Phoenix a Dementia Friendly City. America’s Friendliest Airport joined the initiative last fall by launching training and other…

News from the Robson Ranch Dance Club

Robson Ranch Dance Club board, seated: Christa Quackenbush and Laura Marven. Standing: Mary Jo Albrecht and Tom Albrecht. Not pictured: Rudy Lucero. (Photo by Bill White)

Mary Jo Albrecht The Robson Ranch Dance Club held its 2022 election of officers on Dec. 7, 2021. Laura Marven is a new member to the dance club board. She will serve as treasurer for the next two years. Laura is a snowbird from Calgary, Alberta (Canada). Laura and her husband Andy moved into their…

Rock Springs Church 7th Anniversary Celebration

Rick Ashby, Betty Jones, and Betty Lundin

Larry Sundin On Sunday, Feb. 6, the people of Rock Springs Church gathered to celebrate God’s goodness to us over the past seven years. Our God has worked among us to encourage 25 adults take the step of obedience in water baptism, to grow to nearly 90 participants in our Journey Groups, to pack and…

Ropin’ in Yer Relatives Ancestry Training

Pat Sand The Robson Ranch Genealogy Club, Ropin’ in Yer Relatives, held an training session on Saturday, Jan. 15, in the Laredo Room. Marilyn Simleness, a local genealogist, showed the group of over 20 attendees how to build a family tree online. The two-hour class was chock-full of navigational tips and methods to build…

Bible Studies at Robson Ranch

Do current events have you asking the questions, what in the world is happening and why? Or, why does evil and division seem to be flourishing while what is good and unifying is not? Are we in the end-times? More importantly, what is the purpose for our existence? Where can I find the answers? There…