The Tack Team consists of friends who assembled about a year ago to have a good time over the love of trivia. Little did they know they would very much look forward to the games each and every week! They enjoy each other’s company and also participate together in other various clubs, functions, and outings because…
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The RC Club Recycles Old Patio Umbrellas

Bob Kehoe The Robson Ranch Radio Control (RC) Club would like to thank all those who donated their unused patio umbrellas to our inventive member Dave Renauld, who came up with the clever idea of providing some added shade for our racers while they’re actively roasting and racing during this extra-hot summer season. Dave and…
Features, September 2023
Word of the Month: Emotion
David Zapatka Do emotions happen consciously or unconsciously? Can emotions be chosen or do they just happen? While reading “I Am: The Power of Discovering Who You Really Are” by Howard Falco, I read, “Emotions are the clues that lead you to the treasure of everlasting peace.” Ponder this for a while. Are our emotions…
September 2023, Sports
Play Your Best Pool: Are You a Feel Player or a Mechanical Player?
Johnny Henson Here are some of the main differences between a feel player and a mechanical player. A feel player mainly thinks their body will do the right thing at the right time. They are not always conscious about what they do, or even how they do it. They come across as being more relaxed and…
Front Page, August 2023
Let’s Dance
Clubs & Classes, August 2023
The Dolly Steamboat Cruises with the Roving Ranchers

Pat Sand The Roving Ranchers recently enjoyed a perfect day for boating on Canyon Lake aboard the Dolly Steamboat. On June 24, 115 Ranchers drove to Apache Junction, following the historic, winding, and mountainous Apache Trail drive to the boat. This was the most-attended event the Roving Ranchers have had thus far. During the 90-minute tour,…
Clubs & Classes, August 2023
“Midnight at the Oasis” Stained Glass Project

Cynthia Melito, Stained Glass Club President The Stained Glass Club members’ class for August is a project I designed around black and gray swirled glass. Sometimes you have a pattern and you search out the perfect glass, but in this case, I had glass that was a work of art unto itself. The glass reminded me of…
Clubs & Classes, August 2023
Time for Totems

Doris Betuel Fused glass totems are all the rage! They are popping up in front and back yards all over the community. Freestanding or mounted in frames, they are a “totemly” awesome addition to any landscaping scheme! Southwest themes, abstract ideas, or a bouquet of flowers are just some of the ideas that our members have come…
August 2023, Religion
Whose Image Is on You?

Pastor Frank DeFusco The Book of Genesis lays the foundation for the Judeo-Christian beliefs. It records the beginning of time, life, sin, salvation, the human race, and the Hebrew nation. It opens with the words: “In the beginning God created” (1:1) and it ends with “in a coffin in Egypt” (50:26). Thus, it covers the…
August 2023, Religion
Pilgrimage of Trust Taizé Worship Continues at Robson Ranch

Worship is an intimate, personal time to experience the spirituality of being present with God. For some, there is reliance on worship services centered on lectionary scripture, sermon, choir, and other traditional elements. For others, the practices of institutional religion have subdued their affinity for the church, yet there remains with them still a yearning…