Tag: Lady Lynx


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Lady Lynx 2020 Christmas Scramble

Ruth Faivre Lady Lynx held its 2020 Christmas Scramble on Dec. 10. The day started out rather cold but warmed up before we started our rounds and turned out quite nice with teams placing as follows: 1st Place (Free rounds of golf prize): Bev Bakken, Barb Wilson, Melissa Wilson, Terry Ellis 2nd Place (Cash prize):…

Lady Lynx do the Cupid Shuffle

  Connie Drew Thirty-two ladies joined together to do the Cupid Shuffle on February 8 as the Lady Lynx celebrated Valentine’s Day on the golf course. The winning team of Pam Reese, Pat Hawkins, Jeanette Favreau and Meg Haber celebrated their victory with a Chocolate fountain and fondue party. Lady Lynx is a group of…

Lady Lynx – Join in the fun!

Left to right: Marilyn Marty, VP; Allie Devalk, Scramble Coordinator; Barbara Wilson, Scramble Coordinator; Connie Cress, Weekly Team Coordinator; and MARY Lizotte, President. Shelby Davis, Secretary, was unable to attend.

Karen Furu Robson Ranch Arizona very often is described as a 55+ active adult community with resort living. I found all of this to be true. More important I believe it is a magical place. What makes it magical? It’s magical because of the people who live and work in this community. It also helps…

Lady Lynx news

Relaxing after an afternoon of golfing

Karen Furu, President As I am sitting here writing this article, I again am reminded how wonderful it is to be living at Robson Ranch. Being part of this community has given me so many opportunities to try new activities and participate in activities that I have loved for many years. One of those activities…

Lady Lynx news and events

Karen Furu As Mother Nature was leashing her fury via rain and snow over most of the nation in December, there was a week in December she didn’t forget Arizona. Every year Lady Lynx celebrates in December with a Holiday Scramble and Gift Exchange. This season it was scheduled for December 22, 2016. Many of…

Lady Lynx news

Karen Furu, President Fall means different things to different people. For someone from New England, fall brings back memories of leaves shimmering with red, yellow, brown, orange and rust colors and crackling as you walk through mounds of leaves. For someone from the Rocky Mountains, fall elicits memories of brisk mornings followed by sunny, warm…

Lady Lynx golfers continue to play throughout summer

Karen Furu, President Hope this finds you lounging by the pool or better yet just getting back from the golf course. Lady Lynx is comprised of women who live at Robson Ranch as a winter resident or full-time resident. In our relaxed, fun atmosphere members hope a participant learns to love the game of golf,…

Lady Lynx club prepares for a busy season

Karen Furu As the days become shorter and cooler, Lady Lynx Golf Club has returned to our Thursday afternoon tee time. Most of our snowbirds have returned to Robson Ranch eager to get back to challenge ourselves to hit long and straight. Or is it possibly to return to see old friends, get caught up…

Lady Lynx golf begins in October

The Lady Lynx, a 9-hole women’s golf group at Robson Ranch, will resume play October 22. The first three weeks will be cart path only as the course completes its annual rehab. This group is open to all ladies who enjoy playing golf, whether new to the game or experienced, and enjoy playing 9 holes.…