David Zapatka Reader, friend, and fellow bridge player, Pat Schlect, writes, “I was very happy to see your article in the Sun Lakes Splash.I loved the subject. The word I would choose for research is ‘resilience.’ Why? If you had to pick one characteristic or quality you’d most like to have, what would it be?…
Category: November 2023
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In the Name of Jesus

Pastor Frank DeFusco In John 16, we find Jesus addressing His disciples, and informing them that he must shortly leave them. This caused them to be sorrowful, so wanting to lift them up, He stated, “And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in…
Features, November 2023
A Site to See

Kathy Sinnott Our country was forever changed on Sept. 11, 2001. The pain, tragedy, and loss from this fateful day eventually spurred an idea that would pay tribute to the men and women who fought for our nation’s freedoms. Several Arizona residents banned together in 2015 with an idea for a ‘living memorial’ that would honor…
Generals, November 2023
Auditions for Next Theater at the Ranch Production November 9 and 12
Deborah Dorman, Director and Producer It’s time to saddle up and audition for the second production of Theater at the Ranch, a rollicking western comedy radio show in two acts called “Big Guns, or Whose Lily Is She?” By Andrew J. Fenady and Duke Fenady. It is based on an award-winning novella by Andrew J. Fenady, Owen Wister…
Features, November 2023
Classic Songs and Community—Local Musician Doug Roraback

What is it about music that makes us feel connected? For Doug Roraback, performing classic songs that speak to many of us creates a sense of community. Before moving to Robson Ranch with his wife Anne, Doug entertained audiences as a solo artist and with his band, the Double Diamonds, all around the Pacific Northwest.…
Clubs & Classes, November 2023
Pigs Are Flying

Doris Betuel The Ceramics and Pottery Club recently had a “Make a Pig” class! Members were treated to a fun-filled class in which we learned how to craft pigs of all shapes and sizes. Our instructors were Debbie Olguin and Mary Ann Bechtel, and we were taught how to manipulate clay into different shapes, then…
November 2023, Front Page
‘Bless the Pets’ Worship November 12

Join us Sunday, Nov. 12, at 9 a.m. for Bless the Pets worship. All are invited to this uniquely joyous worship service sponsored by Friendship Center. Whether you have a pet or are hoping to get a good Robson pet “fix,” join us on “the green” at the Softball Field flagpole area. * Seating options: Bring…
Generals, November 2023
Back by Popular Demand

Vocalist Jesse Washington will present his fifth annual Pre-Thanksgiving Vocal Musicale Concert on Sunday, Nov. 12, at 2 p.m. The 2023 event will feature Jesse along with his special guest, Sam Rogers, “The Blues Man.” The Musicale will include gospel, contemporary gospel, classical, blues, R & B, show tunes, and patriotic songs for your entertainment pleasure. Jesse has…
Sports, November 2023
Relishing Pickleball: Doubles Strategies (Continued!)
David Zapatka Continuing our study of Pickleball Fundamentals Master the basics and compete with confidence by Mary Littlewood, Ms. Littlewood offers these basic doubles strategies for players of any level. To read all her advice, buy her book. Strive for 100% accuracy on serves. The serve is the only shot in the game that is uncontested. There…
November 2023, Front Page
Artie’s Army

Robson Ranch Softball Club “I want to be like Artie when I grow up!” That is a familiar phrase to those who know, love, and cherish our most beloved softball player. Several months ago, Artie Wachter was asked to play in the Senior Softball USA (SSUSA) Senior Softball 90’s game in Las Vegas this past September.…