Category: August 2023


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Why Is It Important to Get CPR and AED Certified?

Have you ever noticed the AEDs that are located throughout the community and wondered, “Hmmm … what would I do if a person collapsed and they weren’t breathing?” You would most likely call 911, right? But what if you could do more? Cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in the United States. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training…

Woodcrafter Rescues Family Heirloom

Susanne Perry My great grandfather, the Reverend Elijah Forbes Beachum, served communities in North Carolina. He died in 1891. The deacons of the congregation built a bed for their beloved minister and his wife. The cherrywood bed, with intricate hand-carved detail, became a family heirloom. It was handed down to my grandmother, and then to…

Save the Date!

Marsha Oliver Mark your calendars for the Robson Ranch Singers’ concert “Home for the Holidays.” There will be performances on Dec. 12 and 13. If you’re a singer and want to learn more about joining us, please contact our director, Laurie Laramie, at [email protected].

The Roving Ranchers Are Official

Pat Sand The Roving Ranchers is now the official social and travel club for Robson Ranch. As a recognized club, we have the support of the HOA and Robson Ranch. With more than 500 members, this club is now one of the largest at Robson Ranch. And what does this club do? We go places! Joe Murauskis,…

The Dolly Steamboat Cruises with the Roving Ranchers

Pat Sand The Roving Ranchers recently enjoyed a perfect day for boating on Canyon Lake aboard the Dolly Steamboat. On June 24, 115 Ranchers drove to Apache Junction, following the historic, winding, and mountainous Apache Trail drive to the boat. This was the most-attended event the Roving Ranchers have had thus far. During the 90-minute tour,…

Let’s Dance

On June 22, the members of the Line Dance Club headed to the Hermosa Ballroom for a line dance party. What a nice way to get out of the heat of the summer! With CJ the instructor’s leadership, we danced for three hours, breaking only for pizza. Of course, the bar was open for everyone…

Word of the Month: Piastre

David Zapatka Reader Chuck Hakkarinen, commenting on the May WOTM column, writes, “In the 20th century, Paladin was the name of the character played by actor Richard Boone in the TV western “Have Gun, Will Travel.” He was quite the dandy, living in San Francisco, quoting the Classics, fast on the draw. I think he typically…

Summer Sewing

Barbara Renthal Can you believe it is August already? Time to put away the little flags and patriotic table runners. The red, white, and blue quilts we bring out to mark the mid-summer holidays are being folded and stored for next summer. Out come the sunflowers and more muted colors of the approaching shorter days and…