Category: April 2018


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Flowers in watercolor

  Nancy Friedman, Secretary Tips and techniques of watercolor were the topics of a daylong class presented by Jean Forsyth from Colorado Springs. Sponsored by the Fine Arts Guild, twelve members had a great time with numerous pictures of flowers from which to paint. There were poppies, daisies, irises, tulips, peonies, and various other pictures…

General Manager’s Report

  Melani Caron, General Manager Regardless of the size of any community, there is always one thing that every community needs: resident volunteers. April is National Volunteer Month and I am grateful for the wonderful homeowners who have generously given their time to serve. Robson Ranch has volunteers serving in the capacity of a committee,…

Diva Bridge Ladies take a road trip to Rocky Point

  Babs Barney-Steeves February 5-8 eight ladies from the Robson Ranch Wednesday Bridge Club did a four-day, three-night trip to Rocky Point, Mexico. The trip included stops coming and going at Granny Mac’s in Ajo for lunch, shopping on Rodeo Drive, a trip to the fish market to order shrimp and scallops to take home,…

RC Club Sunday in the Park, Hawaiian style

  Butch Spiller The Robson Ranch RC Club held their monthly Sunday In The Park event on February 25 with a Hawaiian theme. With flower arrangements, decorations, appetizers, and Hawiian music, about 50 club members attended. Many brought along their favorite RC cars and planes. All had a great time. “The club is like a…

All in the Family

  Circle of Honor inductee Dee A. Lee Nicole Barber, daughter of Robson Ranch residents, Robin and Jim Barber, was inducted into the University of Georgia’s Circle of Honor for the year 2017. Barber is the first softball-playing Circle of Honor inductee, an honor that can be attributed to her reputation as the first great…

Robson Ranch Men’s Club President’s Golf Cup Tournament

  Gloria Lamere and Mona Rod This year the Men’s Club hosted a President’s Cup Tournament, in lieu of their traditional Member/Guest tournament. The first day was a skills challenge event, then eighteen teams (four men per team) competed in a two-day tournament; the first day the two best low net scores were used based…

Word of The Month: Excarnation

  David Zapatka Marilyn Courtot, a frequent guest on my bridge cruises, offers this month’s word of the month, excarnation. Excarnation – noun ex·car·na·tion ˌekˌskärˈnāshən Removal of flesh (as by putrefaction) especially from a corpse The act of a soul leaving the body after death Origin and etymology – Late Latin excarnatus, past participle of…

Needle Crafters news

  Diana Oleson The needle crafter members are a mix of counted cross stitching, needle pointers, knitters, crochet and loom knitters; we enjoy seeing the different projects our members are working on, to visit and make new friends. We have joined for the love of needle crafting and ended up a family. We welcome anyone…

RRLGA holds 7th annual Past Presidents’ Day

  Barbara Gayer Each year the past presidents of our RRLGA put together a fun themed golf day. This year the past presidents’ theme was Lady Legends. Each of the 18 tee boxes had a posted sign highlighting some fun facts and quotes of female golf legends. Each member played her own game; however, after…