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Desert Woodcrafters Create Reindeer

Kathy Saltus There is more to the Robson Ranch Desert Woodcrafters than cutting boards and bottle stoppers! Last year around Christmas, Ken Hansen had a pattern for Santa’s Reindeer. Just a few appeared at the shop. This year word got around and there was an explosion of popularity! There were nearly ten members that worked…

Word of the Month: Jeremiad

David Zapatka Dear friend and Wisdom Seeker moderator, Ellen Engel, suggested the word jeremiad for this month’s WOTM. Jeremiad: noun jer·e·mi·ad | ˌjer-ə-ˈmī-əd, -ˌad 1. a prolonged lamentation or complaint 2. a cautionary or angry harangue. 3. a long, literary work, usually in prose, sometimes in verse, where the author bitterly laments the state of society and its…

Welcome New Employee: Azucena Alvarado

Azucena Alvarado

Azucena Alvarado Hello! My name is Azucena Alvarado. Azucena is Spanish for lily! I am a new resident here in the Eloy/Casa Grande area. I was previously living in Payson, Ariz., where I grew up. My husband works for Robson Landscape and I am excited to join the Robson Ranch team. Previously, I have worked…

All She Wants to Do Is Dance

Linda Gayer If nothing else, COVID has made us think outside of the box. First, the Sports Club is closed, so this summer line dancing moved to Posse Drive two evenings a week. Next, the ballroom opened for exercise classes and line dancing because you could socially distance yourself in the larger room, so line dancing…

Do You Have Aches and Pains That You Can’t Get Rid Of?

Lois Moncel, Certified Personal Trainer and Director of Fitness & Wellness Are you familiar with Self-Myofascial Release? Self-Myofascial Release (SMR) is a technique that will improve flexibility, muscle recovery, the way your body moves and can also reduce your aches and pains. According to the Mayo Clinic, SMR focuses on pain believed to arise from myofascial tissues—the…

RRLGA Kicks Off New Season

Regina Bellach (right) and Mary Nielsen, winners of Flight 1.

Pamela Mumy Robson Ranch Ladies Golf Association (RRLGA) kicked off the new season with the annual Member/Member Guest Tournament. The season looks a bit different due to COVID-19, but fun was still had by all! RRLGA currently has 90 players, and always welcomes new members with a Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) handicap. If you don’t yet…

Enhanced Hospice Care for Jewish Families

Debora Britz Hospice of the Valley has received a prestigious national certification for its long history of providing culturally sensitive care to Jewish families in our community. The National Institute for Jewish Hospice (NIJH) commended the not-for-profit agency for educating its 1,500 staff about Jewish culture and values, integrating Jewish medical ethics into care, and teaching traditional…