Raffled Artwork Provides Funds for Student Art Supplies

Sierra Sound Vocal/Guitar Duo Bringing Rock and Country Favorites to Robson Residents

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Theater at the Ranch Hosts Record Crowd for “Calendar Girls”


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Ladies’ Social Club discusses elder abuse

Do you know of someone who has been a victim of elder abuse? Would you know what do if you encountered or suspected it? The November meeting of the Robson Ranch Ladies Social Club Luncheon on Wednesday, November 18, addressed the topic of Elder Abuse. The guest speaker was Nancy Larson from the Pinal County…

Against all odds for 50th wedding anniversary celebration

They beat the odds and celebrated 50 years of marriage.

Three couples met at Robson Ranch and St. Helen’s Catholic Church discovering they were all married 50 years ago. After several years of friendship they decided that the three couples would have a combined celebration with mutual friends for their 50th Wedding Anniversary. The celebration was held November 14, 2015 at the Robson Ranch Hermosa…

The Mad Hatter reminds you to mark your calendar

Sunday, March 6, at 12:30 p.m. the Hermosa Ballroom will be all set and ready for the Queen of Hearts Tea to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association Desert Southwest Chapter. The afternoon of fun and entertainment begins with a light lunch and dessert carrying out the theme of the event. All are welcome: men, women and…


The December 1 Adopt A Highway crew

Gaile McCuaig The kickoff for the Adopt A Highway season occurred on December 1 with 24 great volunteers doing cleanup on Jimmie Kerr Blvd as well as on Overfield Road. They collected 33 bags of trash and 13 pounds of aluminum cans. Marv Enerson takes the cans to the recycling center with proceeds going to…

Robson Ranch first annual Mah Jongg Tournament

Hello to all Mah Jongg Mavens out there! We are pleased to announce that Robson Ranch will be holding its first Mah Jongg Tournament on Monday, January 18, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Loredo Room at the Ranch House. The cost is $20, which includes lunch, door prizes, awards and fun!…

Free RC flying lessons at Robson Ranch

Kevin Rattey In this month’s article we will be answering a question that our members respond to on a regular basis. That is, why are there two RC Flying clubs represented in the Robson Ranch Views? What is the difference, and how do they each pertain to Robson Ranch residents? The Robson Ranch RC Flyers…