Rock Springs Life

These past few months have produced some new milestones in the life of Rock Springs Church. Most notably was our second baptism and barbecue that took place Sunday afternoon, April 3. What made this a notable occasion wasn’t simply the four individuals who joyfully expressed their faith in Jesus Christ by being baptized. No, what made it a notable occasion was that we barely had enough room to hold all the supporters and encouragers who joined us to celebrate what God is doing among us.

What we are experiencing together is a community of God’s people taking shape. We are seeing new friendships blossoming. We are seeing the hurting being helped. We are seeing an awakening of faith. And we are seeing a hunger for God and His Word bearing fruit as we are growing in numbers on Sunday mornings as well as in participation in our Journey Groups.

To all that God is doing publicaly and behind the scenes we are truly thankful. It is a joy to see the enthusiasm and graciousness that permeate the people of Rock Springs Church. God is blessing us. But more than that, He is helping us learn what it means to be a blessing to others.

God is alive and well at Rock Springs Church, and even though now is the time when many leave us for the hot summer months we are greatly encouraged to see how God is building His church to be a blessing to one another and to our community. Our hope is that if you don’t have a church family that you call home, that God might lead you to join us this summer as we continue our journey through the Story of God where we are learning how much we really are part of the story God is still writing today. And remember, you can always check us out online at God is good and very much alive at Rock Springs Church!