Raffled Artwork Provides Funds for Student Art Supplies

Sierra Sound Vocal/Guitar Duo Bringing Rock and Country Favorites to Robson Residents

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Theater at the Ranch Hosts Record Crowd for “Calendar Girls”


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SOT-AZ wants to thank you!

Our Veterans Day golf tournament/annual fundraising week was a huge success due to the generosity of our Robson Ranch residents and our many local vendors. SOT Annual Live Auction: Our third annual auction was another successful event. This year’s big ticket items included two new golf carts from Action Golf Cart; several vacation packages thanks…

Fall Robson Ranch Community Yard Sale a big success

Looking for bargains at the annual RR community yard sale

“Who will buy this wonderful morning?” As the sun rose over Robson Ranch on Saturday, November 5, the lyrics from the musical Oliver seemed quite appropriate. It was a balmy, beautiful morning, and clearly a large number of people had anxiously anticipated this event. They definitely came to buy! The parking lot filled up early with…

RC Club prepares new facilities as membership increases

Robson Ranch RC Club first annual “Pumpkin Bash” car race

The Robson Ranch RC Club has grown from a handful of avid RC airplane enthusiasts to a one of the larger Robson Ranch sponsored organizations in the past 12 months. The club now includes RC car racing, social events and numerous field trips throughout the metro area. The club also sponsors an innovative program for…

Social Bridge celebrates two nonagenarian birthdays

Stephanie Martin

Larry Kostroski Scientists frequently advise that playing cards and doing crossword puzzles could help lessen the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. These activities help to preserve cognitive functions in regions of the brain involved in the disease. The Robson Ranch Social Bridge Club heartily agrees with these scientists. In December the club will celebrate the 90th…