Pastor Ron Hunt’s Retirement and Open House Party

Women’s Bible Retreat

Paper Crafters Provides Birthday Cards

Robson Ranch RC Club 2023-24 Winter Season Championship Results

Relishing Pickleball: Common Mistakes and How to Fix Them Part 2

David Zapatka This ‘12-common-mistakes’ column recently began after playing with some very excited, highly motivated, new pickleball players at our community courts. After playing a couple games, this question was posed to me: “What should we do to improve and become 3.5 players?” Last month we reviewed the first two mistakes. This month we take a look…

Presidents Day

Ross Dunfee While Presidents Day is a federal holiday, celebrated on the third Monday of February, it is not really a national holiday. Splitting hairs? In 1968, Congress passed the Monday Holiday Act for observance of Washington’s birthday, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day to be celebrated on a Monday, but the actual dates for the…

February Featured Artist: Laurie Waluk

Carol Breen, Pottery/Ceramics Club Reporter Laurie and her husband, Wally, have been residents at Robson Ranch for 14 years. The location and quality of the homes helped them to select their retirement spot. They moved from Michigan where Laurie was an elementary teacher. Laurie is often found at the Creative Arts Center where she enjoys…

The Power of a Simple Gift: 2,834 Boxes Packed!

Dave and Bev Douglas Operation Christmas Child, A Samaritan’s Purse Ministry, sends shoeboxes packed with toys, school supplies and hygiene items to needy children around the world. Many children receiving a box have never before received a gift. In a year of such uncertainty, shoeboxes are a way to show some love to children who have little.…