Kathy Sinnott We’ve all heard the cliche, ‘it takes a village.’ Rockin’ 4 Heroes is an example of this adage in real-time and one that can be found in our own backyard. Our recent 4th annual free concert turned out to be a huge success. Communities came together to pay tribute to our 4 hero…
Category: Features
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Word of the Month: Elysian
David Zapatka Reader Kim Park writes, “I frequent Elysian Spa here in Chandler. I love their name, Elysian, which is one of my favorite words. You might want to research this word for a future WOTM column.” Elysian—ely·sian i-ˈli-zhən; ih-lizh-uhn adjective: blissful or delightful in a way that seems otherworldly; of, relating to, or resembling…
Features, January 2025
Reading Between the Wines Book Club
Features, January 2025
The “Pencil Pushers” of the Fine Arts Guild Do It Again

Nancy Friedman The colored pencil artists known as the “Pencil Pushers” of the Fine Arts Guild here in Robson once again raised a nice sum of money to purchase art supplies for their “adopted” art teacher and her students of which there are approximately 1,000 from grades 1 through 8. She receives $150/year to put…
Features, January 2025
From the Fitness Corner: First Turkey Trot and More!

Lois Moncel, Director of Fitness & Wellness What an amazing event we had! This year marks the first ever Robson Turkey Trot. On behalf of the Try-a-Tri committee, we want to thank you all for coming out, bringing your family members, and celebrating Thanksgiving with us. A final total of 207 participants gathered at Elevate…
January 2025, Features
True Expressions of Love
Susanne Perry Is love a scary thing? Not so much an act of expressing love or the feeling it provides, but are we afraid of the word itself? Love is a constant companion in many aspects of life, but have we slowly restricted its meaning and practice? John Lennon said All You Need Is Love…