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Casa Grande RC Flyers reveals future plans

Club member Dennis Lindsay shows off his “Radian” glider.

Alan Friedman With their paved runway, helicopter pad and spectator benches complete, the Casa Grande RC Flyers are looking into other improvements for their airfield. Under consideration is construction of sun shades over the pilot table area for summer shade. The club considered that project for this summer but raised funds for local charities instead.…

Ceramics and Pottery Club annual fall sale

Kathy Foran displays the beginning of a beautiful coil bowl yet to be fired and then glazed.

Agnes Wilson Saturday, November 7, will be the Ceramics and Pottery Club’s third annual fall sale. It will take place in the Laredo and Cheyenne rooms at our clubhouse during the hours of 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The C/P Club has grown tremendously the past six years. We started out with just a handful…

Duplicate bridge resumes

Don Wilson Thursday evening duplicate bridge for pairs resumes on Thursday, October 22, at 6:30 p.m. in the Laredo Room of the clubhouse. This is a non-ACBL sanctioned game, and there is a $2 per player card fee. The game usually involves 21 to 24 boards and finishes around 9:30 p.m. If you wish to…

Summer bridge tournament

Left to right: Sandy Christopher, Linda Sue Jensen, Phyllis Davis, Fran Fowler, Carol Male and Kent Jensen

The Robson Ranch Social Bridge Club held its first summer bridge tournament on Wednesday, August 19. There were 16 players. The play started at 10:00 a.m., and three rounds of six hands each were played in the morning round. Following morning play Robson’s catering department provided a wonderful lunch. They had build-your-own sandwiches with several…

La Fiesta!

You are invited to join in the fun Friday, November 6, at La Fiesta! fundraiser being held in the Hermosa Ballroom! The Robson Ranch Ladies Social Club Book Scholarship is sponsoring this authentic Mexican Fiesta to raise money for the 2016 college book scholarships. This fun evening will include a Mexican Musical slide show, specially…

Latest News from New Home Sales

The Robson Ranch Sales Team We continue to see a steady stream of buyers in September with ten home sales, which comes in second to our all-time monthly high. This is a great indicator of home sales to come in October and November. Thank you to our wonderful residents for making Robson Ranch a great…

Walk to End Alzheimer’s—November 21, 2015

Cynthia Vargo Please register and walk for the sixth year with your friends and neighbors here at Robson Ranch. The Walk begins at 9:00 a.m. (be there by 8:45 to check in and receive your ticket for drawings after the walk). We meet in front of the baseball bleachers. There is no cost, but hopefully…

Recycling services coming to Robson Ranch

Joanne Heiman Harvey Kraus, City Manager of Eloy and member of our community, was the speaker at the August 12, 2015 Robson Ranch AZ Ladies Social Club. This fall we will be privileged to add recycling to our many advantages here at Robson Ranch. Harvey Kraus stated how the City of Eloy went out to…

Charity Arts and Crafts show November 28

Dancer by Gayle Lewis

Charlene Rule Robson Ranch and the beautiful Hermosa Ballroom play host to a charity Arts and Craft Show November 28 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Charities receiving proceeds from this event will be the Eloy/Robson Rotary Club. They are asking for canned or dry food for the Eloy Food Bank as a suggested admission…

Come Fly with Us – Robson RC Flyers

Robson RC Flyers and their planes

Paul Downey Fall is fast approaching in spite of the temperatures that still hover near the triple digits. With the winter residents that will begin to start migrating southward, it is time to return to our monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of the month. This month the meeting will be on September 15 in…