Ladies’ Social Club discusses elder abuse

Do you know of someone who has been a victim of elder abuse? Would you know what do if you encountered or suspected it? The November meeting of the Robson Ranch Ladies Social Club Luncheon on Wednesday, November 18, addressed the topic of Elder Abuse.

The guest speaker was Nancy Larson from the Pinal County Attorney’s Office. Nancy defined elder abuse as “intentional or negligent acts by a caregiver or trusted individual that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to an older adult.” Nancy outlined and provided examples of the different types of abuse: physical, neglect, sexual, financial and emotional. She also provided a handout on the Guiding Principles on Working with Older Survivors of Abuse as a takeaway from the event. In closing, Nancy advised that if someone is in immediate danger from elder abuse, please report it by calling 911. You many also contact Eldercare Locator, 1-800-677-1116 for more information.

The luncheon menu was fall themed, and being close to Thanksgiving it featured turkey with mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce followed by roasted pumpkin tartlet drizzled with caramel sauce.

You can learn more about the Ladies’ Social Club by going to or by contacting either of the co-chairs, Louise Kant at 989-860-1109 or Geri Nagy at 520-423-2058.