Pictured here, Crystal Fox, Shelter Manager, and Deb Woodard, Valley Humane Society Board President, are accepting checks from Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer of the Casa Grande RC Flyers in the amounts of $2,000 from the Diane Warren Foundation and $209 from the Robson Ranch Mahjongg group.
Nancy Friedman
The Valley Humane Society received significant checks from the Robson Ranch Mahjongg group and the Diane Warren Foundation, as the selected charity receiving donations during the Casa Grande RC Flyers’ celebrating National Aviation Day on Saturday, November 9th.
During the event, attendees could participate in free flying lessons or watch various types of radio controlled planes, helicopters, and drones fly. The monthly swap meet of RC items was also happening with deal seeking shoppers in attendance. Salsa Bites food truck provided breakfast and lunch items also.
Coming events at the CG RC Flyers airfield will be: December 14, 2019, the Holiday Swap Meet benefiting Pets in Need Action League; January 11, 2020 the Fly-In for Hospice benefiting the Hospice Charitable Fund of Central Arizona; February 8, 2020 the Valentine Swap Meet benefiting the Boys and Girls Clubs of Casa Grande; and finally the big event on March 14, 2020, the 7th Annual Air Show and Swap Meet benefiting the Casa Grande Food Bank. For directions and more information visit: www.CasaGrandeRCFlyers.com.