Tag: Worship

Pilgrimage of Trust Taizé Worship Continues at Robson Ranch

A walk of faith necessarily entails an earnest search for union with an ethereal, higher power. Many people pursue their search in structured church worship, while others seek connection through informal assembly with like-minded sojourners or simply by making time for silent individual prayer. Whatever the form of worship practice, the common aspiration remains spiritual…

The Beast

Pastor Frank DeFusco In Matthew 24:1, Jesus’ disciples ask him to show them when the Temple will be thrown down, and what the sign of both his return and that of the end of the world will be. In verses 4 and 5 he warns them not to be deceived, for many will come in…

Christian Fellowship Fits the Bill

Pat Sand I admit, I am not a morning person. I don’t like to schedule anything before 10 a.m. I am an anomaly at Robson Ranch where most residents are up before dawn taking walks, going to fitness classes, or playing pickleball before I am even out of bed. I prefer to wake up, drink…