Tag: Rock Springs Church


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Rock Springs 10th Anniversary

Larry Sundin On Feb. 2, Rock Springs Church gathered to celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness to us over the past 10 years. We began our morning by enjoying a wonderful brunch together. After a time of quality worship, Pastor Larry led us through a history of Rock Springs, by sharing this Scripture from Psalm 86,…

Operation Christmas Child 2023—Thank You, Robson Ranch!

Steve Bishop On Nov. 13 and 14, 2023, Robson Ranch residents participated in Samaritan’s Purse annual collection week. On Nov. 13, about 60 people met in the Hermosa Ballroom and constructed more than 2,000 shoe boxes and set up the room for the annual Packing Party. On the morning of Nov. 14, nearly 100 residents energetically worked to fill those…

Only Jesus

Pastor Larry Sundin, Rock Springs Church Often when someone who doesn’t know much about Rock Springs Church asks me what we’re all about, my favorite answer is to simply say that we’re a church that’s all about Jesus, making disciples of Jesus, and the Word of God. Often people ask me why Jesus is such a…


Pastor Larry Sundin When I was a young man, it seemed that most people my age were on a journey of discovery. You would often hear the common refrain, “I’m on a journey to find myself.” People everywhere were trying to find out who they really were. Some thought they could find themselves by dropping…

The Hope of the World

Pastor Larry Sundin, Rock Springs Church “The church is the hope of the world.” In fact, the church of Jesus Christ, despite its shortcomings, still remains the greatest force on earth for good. There is no other community where you can see people from different races or economic backgrounds loving one another. There’s no other…

Fear Not

Pastor Larry Sundin, Rock Springs Church Many things frighten us today. It’s funny that the things that scare us are much the same as what has frightened people through the ages. We fear change and uncertainty. We fear rejection or being alone. We’re afraid of something bad happening to us and we’re afraid of losing our…

What Is Truth?

Pastor Larry Sundin, Rock Springs Church Who or what are you listening to today? What’s your basis for reality? What is truth? Are you part of the growing camp that has concluded that there really is no truth for life, or are you a seeker of truth? Are you trying to make sense of a…

Summer of Psalms

Pastor Larry Sundin One of the enduring values of Rock Springs Church is our commitment to providing a quality worship experience to our community 52 Sundays a year. Now, we’re well aware that many of you head north to visit family and enjoy cooler temperatures. But we also know that there are just as many…

What Is the Gospel?

Pastor Larry Sundin As the Pastor of Rock Springs Church, one of my great privileges is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But one of the problems I continually encounter today is the lack of understanding of the Gospel. So, I’d like to clarify just what the Gospel is. The Gospel is first and…

God Is Good

Pastor Larry Sundin One of my favorite Scriptures is tucked in at the conclusion of the 23rd Psalm where David declares: “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” What I love about this particular Scripture is the word picture…