Tag: Robson Ranch RC Flyers


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RC Club goes to the races

Several members of the Robson Ranch RC Club went out to the Central Arizona Speedway on Saturday, June 18. Everyone enjoyed the variety of races presented over the three hours. These types of trips are part of the active social calendar the club maintains throughout the year. This year to date, members have visited the…

Radio Control Club assists Eloy Junior High

Students and mentors at the flying field

In April and May five members of the Robson Ranch RC Club spent their Friday mornings at Eloy Junior High School. Their time was spent introducing interested students to the world of RC Flying. Students were given flight instruction using simulators and were then able to transition, with instructor guidance, to the actual Radio Controlled…

Summer Racing Season Begins

The RC drivers and their racing cars

Kevin Rattey RC car racing has begun. The official summer racing season kicked off on May 4 at the Robson Ranch RC Field located off of Harris Hawk Lane. Twelve racers competed in two heats and a final. Points were awarded to the top drivers in each race. In the fall, awards will be presented…

Robson Ranch RC Flyers

Paul Downey

Paul Downey A resident of Robson Ranch for three years, my wife and I selected RR because there was a quilting club and a flying field accessible by golf cart. While wintering here in our RV, we were camped south of Maricopa, and I heard about a “fly in” at a place called Robson Ranch.…

Robson Ranch RC Flyers news and notes

The Board members elected for 2016 are President, Kevin Rattey; Vice President, Paul Downey; Secretary, Dave Hudson; Treasurer, Eddie Peril; Member at Large, Butch Spiller. Drone Information Do you have a drone or received one as a gift this season? If so there are several things to be aware of pertaining to the operation of…

Free RC flying lessons at Robson Ranch

Kevin Rattey In this month’s article we will be answering a question that our members respond to on a regular basis. That is, why are there two RC Flying clubs represented in the Robson Ranch Views? What is the difference, and how do they each pertain to Robson Ranch residents? The Robson Ranch RC Flyers…