Tag: Pinal County Animal Care and Control


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Healthy Dogs, Thanks to Friends of Pinal

Joy Wegner and Mera Laureys Theodore is one very lucky dog! When Theodore was just six months old, he arrived at the Pinal County Animal Care and Control (PCACC) with a deformed back leg, caused by a broken pelvis and leg at a very young age. It was difficult for him to walk normally, but…

Shelter Dogs Receive New Beds

Joy Wegner, PCACC volunteer You have probably heard the idiom “let sleeping dogs lie.” The phrase usually refers to ignoring a problem, because dealing with it might bring on more problems. Not so with the dogs at Pinal County Animal Care and Control’s (PCACC) shelter near Casa Grande. Dogs at the PCACC shelter need a…

Dog Bed Project Success Will Continue

Joy Wegner One hundred new dog beds! That’s the ambitious goal for volunteers committed to helping the Pinal County Animal Care and Control (PCACC) shelter provide healthy kennel environments for dogs at the county’s shelter. In 2018, more than 30 donors funded materials to build custom dog beds for the shelter’s kennels. Bud Wegner, a resident…