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Superintendent of Eloy Schools addresses the RRLSC

The Ladies’ Social Club (RRLSC) had an inspirational guest speaker at their February luncheon meeting. Ruby James, the Superintendent of Eloy Schools, spoke about her childhood living in Eloy and of her professional career in education.

Ms. James attended college on a softball scholarship and after graduating ASU, she came back to Eloy to care for her mother and work for the schools in Eloy. Over the years, she served as disciplinarian, classroom teacher, P.E. teacher and Assistant Principal. At that time there were 1400 students in the Eloy District, but when she became principal the enrollment had dropped to 800 students. In 2005, Ruby James became superintendent of the Eloy Public Schools and instituted a dress code for all the students. As superintendent, her goal was to erase the gap of poverty through education.

The Eloy Public Schools provide breakfast in the classroom every morning, and the hot lunch menu is based on what the children like to eat. This ensures that the students will eat the food that is given to them and not go hungry.

In the past, the students have received shoes and socks from the Robson Ranch CORR program. When the school system receives a monetary donation, Ms. James will supply her students with needed gloves, hats and coats. She also provides yearly field trips for the students, such as going to San Diego to see the ocean, Disneyland, Grand Canyon and the Gammage Theater in Phoenix. If you are interested in donating to the schools, please go to DonorsChoose.org. These donations can be deducted from your Arizona state taxes.

Ms. James encourages and welcomes any Robson Ranch resident who may wish to volunteer to help in the schools and/or classrooms to reach out to her directly.

The Robson Ranch Ladies’ Social Club’s mission is to provide opportunities for the social interaction among all its members who are residents of Robson Ranch Arizona, to provide philanthropic donations to our community and to educate ourselves about our local area/region.

We are always happy to welcome new members to the club. We meet the second Monday of the month at 11:00 a.m. in the restaurant. Reservations are required. Please RSVP to Geri Nagy at [email protected].