Category: Clubs & Classes


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Genealogy group news

Sharon Horton The genealogy group of Robson Ranch, Ropin’ In Yer Relatives, met at the home of Judi Mutal on March 19, for a potluck before the summer break. President Sandra Ristow recapped the year’s activities, speaking of informative guests that included a specialist on German research from the Family Research Center in Salt Lake…

Robson Ranch RC Club hosts flying demonstration

Butch Spiller On March 30, the Robson Ranch RC Club hosted a flying demonstration presented by a major manufacturer of RC planes, Flex Innovations. Two representatives of Flex Innovations, Jack Wilson and Bryce Hatfield, impressed the crowd of over 100 Robson residents with aerobatic flying including a real jet plane, biplanes and helicopter skills. Residents…

Superintendent of Eloy Schools addresses the RRLSC

The Ladies’ Social Club (RRLSC) had an inspirational guest speaker at their February luncheon meeting. Ruby James, the Superintendent of Eloy Schools, spoke about her childhood living in Eloy and of her professional career in education. Ms. James attended college on a softball scholarship and after graduating ASU, she came back to Eloy to care…

RC Club presents awards to car racing champs

The Robson Ranch RC Club held its semi-annual awards dinner for the winter racing season in the Hermosa Room of the Ranch House on April 3. Sixty guests attended the dinner. Bill Engler, the club vice president and racing coordinator, presented the awards. Winners were the following: Novice Division 1st, Tom Meade; 2nd, Gene Oster;…

Material Girls news

Marie Stuersel With a big thank you to Gary and Jan Darwin, owners of PM Quilting in Casa Grande, the Material Girls have been busy making quilts for comfort and charity with the many large bags of fabric strips donated by our local quilt shop. Members participate in what we lovingly call “Saturday Stripping” including…

100+ People Who Care campaign launched April 8

Ron Hunt The Power of 100 Desert Dreamers, the Greater Casa Grande Area 100+ People Who Care Chapter hosted its first gathering here at Robson Ranch on April 8. Our first luncheon meeting was on April 8 at Robson’s Ranch House. The Director of “Seeds of Hope,” Mark Vanderheyden, shared the great work they are…

Spring Bridge Tournament results

Babs Barney-Steeves The Wednesday Social Bridge had their annual Spring Bridge Tournament/Luncheon on March 20. The tournament was run by Jaclyn Marshall with the help of Linda Sue Jensen, Chris Marshall and Jeff Smith. Six rounds of six hands of bridge were played. There were miscellaneous prizes awarded. Top prizes were for the total scores…

Ladies’ Club hosts Border Patrol officers at luncheon

Alicia Mooney and Ruby Herman At our April luncheon, two Border Patrol Officers spoke to the Ladies’ Club. Jay Varela and Andrew Van Lear presented an extremely interesting and informative slide show about their daily responsibilities as workers in the Tucson Sector. The Border Patrol was founded in 1924 and was established to handle prohibition…