Jennifer Gerwarges, new program director for U.S.VETS-Phoenix, will speak at the JWV meeting on Oct. 18.
Nancy Stutman
Jennifer Gerwarges, U.S.VETS-Phoenix program director, will be the speaker at the Jewish War Veterans (JWV), Copper State Post 619, meeting on Sunday, Oct. 18.
Please note the new meeting location: Sun Lakes Cottonwood Country Club, 25630 Brentwood Dr., Phoenix Room, in Sun Lakes.
Jennifer is excited about U.S.VETS’ newest housing project, Ashley Place, opening Nov. 1. The project, consisting of two houses holding five women each, will provide a safe and sober living environment where women with children can receive treatment for sexual trauma, substance misuse, work re-entry counseling, and assistance in receiving disability payments. Ashley Place will support the female veterans working towards employment and permanent housing. Ashely Place was gifted by the Milanovich Trust in collaboration with the Habitat for Humanity.
To support this new venture, those attending JWV’s meeting are encouraged to bring hygiene products for the Ashley House women. Shampoo, conditioner, body soap, razors, shaving lotion, combs, brushes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, pads, deodorant, facial cleanser, lotions, and hair ties would be most welcomed.
Jennifer received her master’s degree in social work from Arizona State University. Before coming to U.S.VETS, she worked at Southwest Key Programs, a nonprofit organization dedicated to reunifying and sheltering immigrant children and families escaping dangerous conditions in their countries of origin. As Victim’s Advocate for the Phoenix Fire Department, Jennifer assisted victims of domestic and sexual violence, human trafficking, and child abuse in reaching safety.
A ‘Meet & Greet,’ with free lox and bagels, coffee, and doughnuts starts at 9:30 a.m., followed by the speaker at 10 a.m. The public is invited. There is no charge. To partake in the food, you must make a reservation by Friday, Oct. 16, at 5 p.m. Contact Joyce Spartonos, preferably by email, at joytoyspartonos@aol.com or text her at 480-802-4902.
JWV Post 619, which meets the third Sunday of every month from September-June, boasts members who represent a wide range of religious affiliations and participates in philanthropic activities to help veterans of all faiths. We have members from all over the area.