Mera Laureys and Katrina Rodrigues
Nora Shelton
The Robson Ranch Arizona Ladies Social Club held their luncheon on Jan. 10. The speakers this month were Katrina Rodrigues, deputy director for Pinal County Animal Care and Control, and Mera Laureys, founder of the Friends of Pinal County Animal Shelter & Rescues.
Katrina began by sharing a little history about the shelter and how she got involved. The shelter was originally controlled by Eloy, however a few years ago it was taken over by the county. Katrina was hired as deputy director and has worked passionately to improve the conditions for the animals and to make them more adoptable. It is an open admission, no-kill shelter that takes in any animals. They currently take in about 5,000 animals per year and adopt most of them out. The shelter has a staff of only 30 to do everything, so volunteer help is very much encouraged and appreciated.
Mera started the nonprofit Friends of PAC (Pinal Animal Control) in December 2019. Through this organization, funds have been raised to help buy equipment and items needed for the well-being of the animals until they are adopted. Mera also provided information about what volunteers can do to help, including spending time with the dogs at the shelter, fostering, adopting, donating, or purchasing needed items.
Both speakers are very passionate about what they do and their love of the animals is evident. For information about the shelter and its volunteer program, call 520-509-3555 or email [email protected]. The shelter is located at 1150 S. Eleven Mile Corner, Casa Grande. If you are interested in helping the Friends of Pinal County Animal Shelter and Rescues, email them at [email protected].
The Robson Ranch Ladies Social Club luncheons are held on the second Monday of the month at 11:15 a.m. in the Robson Ranch Grill dining room. Everyone is welcome to attend!