Pictured is Ceil Levatino, president and moderator of the forum, and candidates for Arizona Secretary of State.
On April 26, the Robson Ranch Arizona Republican Club sponsored a day-long forum featuring Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, and Arizona Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Treasurer.
More than 300 people filled the Hermosa Ballroom, where they had the opportunity to hear the candidates present their positions on various issues and answer questions.
Outside the ballroom, candidates displayed their information and greeted potential voters at their campaign tables.
A special thank you to all the club members who helped make this day a huge success!
The club meets the second Saturday of the month at 10 a.m. in the Cheyenne/Laredo room. Visit our website at rrazrc.com or email us at [email protected] for further information.