Raffled Artwork Provides Funds for Student Art Supplies

Sierra Sound Vocal/Guitar Duo Bringing Rock and Country Favorites to Robson Residents

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Theater at the Ranch Hosts Record Crowd for “Calendar Girls”


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Are you HOA website savvy?

The HOA website is one of the most underutilized amenities available to Robson Ranch residents. There is a wealth of information provided in this one location that can easily and conveniently be accessed from the comfort of home. Yet many homeowners admit they have never visited the site. New homeowner orientations at the HOA office…

Support Our Troops update

In 2016 support for our local veterans is as grand as ever, and we have some needs that our Robson Ranch residents help with. Our current requests are: 1) Toiletries: It’s time to start your spring cleaning, and our local vets really need all those little toiletries that you’ve collected from hotels during your travels.…

4th annual Pickleball Tournament March 16 – 19

Robson Ranch Pickleball will have its fourth annual tournament March 16 through 19, 2016. Registration opened on January 1 and ends on March 1. The tournament is open to all players who are age 50 and over by December 31, 2016 and who are active USAPA members. Register online at www.pickleballtournaments.com or contact Tournament Director…

Mark Your Calendar

Upcoming March events March 2: The Eloy/Robson Ranch Rotary Club will be selling cans of mixed nuts with all proceeds going towards the purchase of school polos for students in need at the schools throughout Eloy district. The cans of mixed nuts will be sold from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Sports Club or…

Robson Ranch Style Show

Betty Peterson From 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on February 10, the Hermosa Ballroom was turned into a ladies fun day out. Betty Peterson, coordinator, and Dillard’s, presented the ninth annual Valentine Fashion Show providing a variety of trunk show items from the store, along with new spring arrivals from several clothing departments. Tables arranged…

RRLGA hosts ladies golf day

The RRLGA hosted a fun day of league golf inviting all Robson Ranch golfers to join them on Tuesday, January 26, 2016. Members Jan Stocek and Layne Jones came up with the idea, and tournament director Kathy Holwick made it happen. The turn-out was terrific with about 34 members and 38 non-members signing up. The…