Raffled Artwork Provides Funds for Student Art Supplies

Sierra Sound Vocal/Guitar Duo Bringing Rock and Country Favorites to Robson Residents

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Theater at the Ranch Hosts Record Crowd for “Calendar Girls”


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How to pay your HOA Dues

First half yearly 2017 invoices for dues should be received by mail sometime in mid-December. Payment due date for both is January 1. There are four ways to pay HOA dues. The same four methods can be used to pay Carefree Villa dues, too. However, please keep Carefree Villa and RR HOA dues payments completely…

Casa Grande RC Flyers membership drive

Casa Grande RC Flyers member Ken Hillery showing his grandson his planes

Alan Friedman With membership at 145 as of October 2016, the Casa Grande RC Flyers embarked on its annual membership drive. The club offered individuals who join during the last three months of the year free membership for those months along with their 2017 dues. That’s 15 months for the price of 12. The club’s…

‘Twas A Dark and Stormy Night

Serving crew

Well, it wasn’t very dark when it started, and it certainly wasn’t stormy (this is the sunny desert after all!), but the ghouls, ghosts and goblins of Robson Ranch were out in force on Monday, October 31, looking for a few bingo tricks and a mouth-watering array of buffet treats. This year many attendees really…

Material Girls support Family Advocacy Center for Children

Left to right: Sue Price, Susie Klopp, Lou Downey, Dottie Welsh, Terry Rattey and Jodi Spillar

Mary Syer The Material Girls who live here throughout the summer months were extremely productive this summer! Several members, including Lou Downey, worked on quilt tops for charity as well as their own while other members, like Susie Klopp, Terry Rattey and Jodie Spillar followed up by using the long arm quilting machine to complete…

Eloy Police Department Christmas Giving Tree at the Ranch

Sergeant Kristie Barnette Season’s Greetings! Every year the Eloy Police Department conducts an annual toy drive where we adopt families in need. These families live in Eloy and only Eloy citizens are permitted to participate in the program. This year our officers are nominating families they have recognized as having a need. We are planning…


Kathy Holwick had a HIO on September 16, 2016, Hole No.17 using a 6 iron. It was witnessed by Harold Holwick and Bobbie Johnson. Congratulations!