Raffled Artwork Provides Funds for Student Art Supplies

Sierra Sound Vocal/Guitar Duo Bringing Rock and Country Favorites to Robson Residents

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Theater at the Ranch Hosts Record Crowd for “Calendar Girls”

Casa Grande RC Flyers’ season filled with activities

Alan Friedman, center, and another Casa Grande RC Flyers officer and member attending the AMA Expo in Ontario, California in January. The club had four board members and several general members attend.

Alan Friedman Besides this year’s gigantic air show scheduled for March 11, 2017 at the Casa Grande RC Flyers field, the club has filled the season with activities and special events. Their events draw spectators from all over the area. Last year over 300 people attended the air show alone! This year’s air show benefits…

Making cards for the troops

Making cards for the troops

On a sunny Sunday in January, nine papercrafters got together and made cards to send to the Forgotten Troops Organization. The FTO puts together care packages for troops that are deployed overseas. The care packages contain things like crossword puzzles, playing cards, candy, cookies, toiletry items and greeting cards that they can use to send…

Tennis Club news

Tennis Club 2017 Executive Board: Barbara Sewell, Linda Gayer, CJ Azaria and Bill Christofferson; missing was Tom Harris

Paul Gayer The general membership meeting was held last November to elect officers for the 2017 Tennis Club year. After the election the Board met to plan and prepare for the upcoming tennis season. Intercommunity tennis socials was first on the list of things to implement this year. Starting with the community SunBird in Chandler,…

Adopt-A-Street holds first cleanup of 2017

The cleanup crew

Gaile McCuaig The first cleanup of 2017 took place on January 18. We had a great turnout, 25 dedicated volunteers. They picked up 42 bags of trash along Jimmie Kerr Blvd as well as on a portion of Overfield Road adjacent to the Ranch. They also picked up 12 pounds of aluminum cans with the…

What’s Brad Drinking?

This month I’m drinking Macallan 10. This is probably one of my all-time favorite scotches and I’m so excited to bring this on for our bar! I have always kept a bottle of this at home without fail for the past seven years. And don’t let its younger age fool you; this is one of…

Ladies Social Club news

Barbara Engelhardt Are you looking for a way to make a difference? Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is an avenue to promote the interests of abused and neglected children in the courtroom and other settings. Three women from Robson have already found how rewarding this program can be. Jan Stryker, Cindy Johnson and Barbara Engelhardt…