Pastor Ron Hunt’s Retirement and Open House Party

Women’s Bible Retreat

Paper Crafters Provides Birthday Cards

Robson Ranch RC Club 2023-24 Winter Season Championship Results

Dr. Sallu to Speak at AAUW

Dr. Adama Sallu

Barbara Stewart Adama Sallu, director of equity and inclusion at Chandler Unified School District, will speak at the Oct. 19, 2020, AAUW SEV Branch meeting by Zoom. She will address the changes in the educational experiences of girls in Chandler schools. The public is welcome. Dr. Sallu is a national and statewide presenter on educational…

Some U.S. Army History

Ross Dunfee A group of investors from the Virginia Company of London established Jamestown, Va. (May 14, 1607) some 13 years prior to the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth, Mass. (Dec. 18, 1620). The Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery carried 105 passengers on a four-month voyage from England to the Virginia coast, arriving April 1607. As settlements began…

Amazing Gourds!

Three Penguins by Doris Betuel

Doris Betuel The Robson Ranch Gourd Club creates art from gourds. We make beautiful bowls and vases, but did you know you can make many other fun and creative things from the lowly gourd? Gourds come in all types of sizes and shapes and, hence, we can make lots of atypical items from them. Our…

Happy Birthday Ed Robson!

Celebrating 90 years. Initialt leder användningen av anabola produkter för att bygga upp muskelmassa till en förbättring av styrkan, eftersom organismen får ytterligare doser av testosteron eller dess analoger viagra spanien apotek från utlandet och fortsätter att producera sina egna hormoner. Om du tar anabola läkemedel minskar produktionen av ditt eget testosteron, vilket i sin…