Pastor Ron Hunt’s Retirement and Open House Party

Women’s Bible Retreat

Paper Crafters Provides Birthday Cards

Robson Ranch RC Club 2023-24 Winter Season Championship Results

Ways of Knowing God: The Threefold Way

Ron Hunt Experience Experiencing God directly is sublime. Through one’s own prayer, meditation, reading, and reflection, as well as those spontaneous experiences at any moment—these are ways to know God. Often, this is the first sense for people that they have met and know God. These religious experiences are immediate, and offer great revelation that one…

Grief Support Group Starting at Robson Ranch

Jane Minish “We bereaved are not alone. We belong to the largest company of all the world—the company of those who have known suffering.”—Helen Keller A Grief Support Group is forming. Our first gathering is Monday, Nov. 8, at 10:30 a.m. in the Sports Club’s Pima/Toltec room. We will follow a tested support group method…

Thanks to Our Heroes

Jaine Toth In observance of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on our country, the Robson Ranch Paper Crafting Club honored our local first responders with handmade cards of appreciation for their continuous courageous service to the community (one for each of the first responders at the respective stations), along with homemade muffins and…

Write On…

Jaine Toth After a several year hiatus, the Robson Ranch writers’ group, Write On …, has re-formed. At a prior planning meeting, it was decided to begin the first half-hour of meetings with writing exercises, led by the members themselves. In lieu of an exercise, Bob Rice opened our first gathering with a presentation on…

Relishing Pickleball

Mary Littlewood and David Zapatka

David Zapatka Are you looking for an enriching retirement activity? Are you interested in quality exercise while having a good time? Are you interested in a social environment where you can meet friendly, fun people? Are you interested in making new friends in your community? Consider giving the fastest-growing sport in the world, pickleball, a…

Support Our Troops–Arizona Veterans Week Fundraiser

Eddie Peters It’s been two years since we have been able to hold events, and this year’s program has something for everyone. Support Our Troops–AZ (SOT–AZ) provides for the material, physical, and emotional needs of our military men and women, active-duty and veterans alike. Over the years, we have given approximately $175,000 to support veteran…