Pastor Ron Hunt’s Retirement and Open House Party

Women’s Bible Retreat

Paper Crafters Provides Birthday Cards

Robson Ranch RC Club 2023-24 Winter Season Championship Results

Using Essential Oils for Our Fur Babies

JoAnne Gaudioso We love our cats and dogs. They’re part of the family, and we want them to be healthy. Many of us use essential oils as a natural way of supporting ourselves every day, so of course we want natural solutions for our fur babies as well! Remember, essential oils have not been specifically…

How to Be a Kick-Ass 90-Year-Old

Shawn Danielson, PT, DPT Good genes. Nutrition. Self-discipline. Exercise. Three of these, we have the ability to control every day. Exercise is the best medicine we have to create a robust, resilient body. But it takes hard work to get the results you want. I help couples or individuals ages 50 and older get fit so you…

The Roving Ranchers ‘Wine Down’ in Wilcox

Pat Sand The Roving Ranchers set up a two-day wine event in Wilcox, Ariz., from June 2 through 4. Forty-Four Robson residents attended. The fun started at 12:30 p.m. at Golden Rule Winery with a private wine tasting. Golden Rule secured a food truck that served a variety of barbecue dishes. Afterward, the Ranchers checked…

New SMARTfit Program at the Gym

Lois Moncel We have launched our SMARTfit program at the gym. Orientations are being scheduled every week to accommodate residents’ schedules. SMARTfit programming can help with general fitness, balance, cognitive functions, and gives you a total body workout. SMARTfit’s focus on dual-tasking (physical activity or exercise), coupled with high-level cognitive engagement helps to accelerate your fitness progress…

Relishing Pickleball: The Dink

David Zapatka Continuing our study of Pickleball Fundamentals: Master the basics and compete with confidence by Mary Littlewood, “to properly execute a dink, stand just behind the non-volley zone line in a good ready position—well balanced, with your body weight over your feet and the knees slightly bent. Hold the paddle in front of your…