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The Mixed Putting League is growing!


Mona Rod and Gloria Lamere

The putting league is becoming a very popular way for residents to spend every other Thursday afternoon. Despite holiday plans and chillier temperatures, we had 72 (November 9) and 53 (December participants). Results for each of the events were as follows:

November 9 Net Winners: Linda Schumann ($18), Mona Rod ($15), Arleen Myers ($12), Stan Lucasik ($10). Gross Winners: Jim Baxter ($18), Steve Spencer ($15), DuWayne Lamere ($12), Patty Bruchez ($10). The blind draws were won by Mike Stacey and Terry Lucasik who each won $6. The money hole paid out $56 and was split between Jim Baxter, Patty Bruchez, DuWayne Lamere and Stan Lucasik. The “Beat the Pro” competition was won by Jim Baxter, Steve Spencer, Mike Pryor, Patty Bruchez, DuWayne Lamere, Ben Blisset, Mike Hart and Nick Pike ($7 each). John Burtis won a $25 gift card to the pro shop.

December 7 Net Winners: Lori Morrin ($19), George Hawkins ($15), Tom Osoba ($11), and Guy Sorenson ($8). Gross Winners: Nick Pike ($19), Larry Morrin ($15), Don Juillerat ($11) and Craig Spittel ($8). The money hole was worth $48 and was split between Judy Mattson and Mer Tiefenthaler. The “Beat the Pro” competition was won by Craig Spitel, Don Juillerat, Larry Morrin, Al Kindt, Mike Stacey, Rob Direrksmeier, Mike Pryor, Mike Hart and Nick Pike ($5 each). Kandis Larkey won a $25 gift card to the pro shop.

The next event was held on Thursday, December 21. Sign up at the pro shop to participate with your neighbors; it’s fun as well as a great way to improve your putting skills.