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Meetings resume for the Robson Ranch Ladies Social Club

Barbara J. Engelhardt

Summer is nearly over, and although the weather belies it fall is on the way. This means our luncheon/meetings resume. The first one is September 11 at 11:15 a.m. in the dining room of the clubhouse.

Our speaker for September is Rona Curphy, CEO, Banner Casa Grande Medical Center. Rona has served in this position since February of 2009 and before that was Chief Nursing Officer. She will be able to update us on the progress of our local facility.

Our menu items are Cobb Salad or French Dip Sandwich with French fries.

All women from Robson Ranch are invited to attend. To make your reservation and menu selection, email Geri Nagy at [email protected] no later than September 6. Geri prefers to receive emails, but if that is not possible phone her at 836-6249. Special dietary requirements may be requested. The prices are listed on the menu. You may use your Robson card to pay and receive the resident discount.

In May we awarded scholarships to three graduating Eloy students. We need to replenish the scholarship fund. Our co-chairs, Ann and Kay, and our scholarship chairman, Barbara Crawford, would like to have an RRALSC booth at the Community Garage Sale to be held in October. With this in mind please start saving your gently used household articles or trinkets (no clothes, please). Anything left over will be donated to Heart of Eloy.

Kay, Ann and Barbara would appreciate receiving your suggestions of fundraising activities. Plan to share these with the membership at our meeting. We hope you had a restful summer and are ready to get to work to make this a successful year.