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Ladies Social Club October luncheon

Barbara J. Engelhardt

Our luncheon this month will be held on Monday, October 9, at 11:15 in the dining room at our club. The speaker will be Bob Poindexter, Fire Marshall, from our local fire department in Eloy. He will talk about home and fire safety, which is especially pertinent since we recently had a home fire in our community. We hope you all can join us.

Our menu items will be fish and chips or West Coast salad with chicken

All women from Robson Ranch are invited to attend. To make your reservation and menu selection email Geri Nagy at [email protected] by October 4. Geri prefers emails, but if that is not possible phone her at 836-6249. Prices are listed on the menu, and you may use your Robson card to pay to receive the resident discount. Special dietary requirements can be met.

We will be finalizing our plans for the table at the RR yard sale on October 28. Your input and help are needed. We have a raffle in progress for a lap quilt and other things in the works to raise funds for our college scholarships.