Judi Mutal and Sharon Horton discussed their published family histories.
Sharon Horton
The genealogy group of Robson Ranch, Ropin’ In Yer Relatives, met at the home of Judi Mutal on March 19, for a potluck before the summer break. President Sandra Ristow recapped the year’s activities, speaking of informative guests that included a specialist on German research from the Family Research Center in Salt Lake City. Other guest speakers provided the group with tips on how to research land grants, court records as well as top websites to visit.
Two club members, Judi Mutal and Sharon Horton, presented programs on books they published on their respective families. Their research uncovered wonderful family stories, newly found relatives and took them to areas in the country where they had never been. Other members of the group are diligently working on their own family history books and we hope to hear from them next season.
The genealogy group will begin meeting in October with Pat Sand as the new president. The group is open to anyone interested in researching their family history. Many of the members are experienced researchers and are very willing to help anyone get started on their family project. You might be surprised what or who comes out of the closet when it’s opened! Fascinating stories await your discovery.