Category: January 2021


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RRLGA Kicks Off New Season

Regina Bellach (right) and Mary Nielsen, winners of Flight 1.

Pamela Mumy Robson Ranch Ladies Golf Association (RRLGA) kicked off the new season with the annual Member/Member Guest Tournament. The season looks a bit different due to COVID-19, but fun was still had by all! RRLGA currently has 90 players, and always welcomes new members with a Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) handicap. If you don’t yet…

Enhanced Hospice Care for Jewish Families

Debora Britz Hospice of the Valley has received a prestigious national certification for its long history of providing culturally sensitive care to Jewish families in our community. The National Institute for Jewish Hospice (NIJH) commended the not-for-profit agency for educating its 1,500 staff about Jewish culture and values, integrating Jewish medical ethics into care, and teaching traditional…

First Half 2021 Semi-Annual Assessments

Nicole McCracken, Administrative Assistant Dear Robson Ranch homeowners, This is a friendly reminder that the first half of 2021 semi-annual assessment for the Robson Ranch CG HOA is just around the corner. Please see the information below on how to make a payment. If you are a homeowner that resides in Unit 19 or Unit…

The Power of a Simple Gift: 2,834 Boxes Packed!

Dave and Bev Douglas Operation Christmas Child, A Samaritan’s Purse Ministry, sends shoeboxes packed with toys, school supplies and hygiene items to needy children around the world. Many children receiving a box have never before received a gift. In a year of such uncertainty, shoeboxes are a way to show some love to children who have little.…

Fiction or Nonfiction? Host’s Choice

Members of Reading Between the Wines: Betsy, Bobbie, Bea, Sally, Debby, Barbara, Teresa, and Linda

Linda Gayer Reading Between the Wines has been a book club since 2009 here at Robson Ranch. Some members have moved, and others have joined. It’s always a great time discussing books with others who enjoy reading as well! Since COVID-19, we have had our discussions outside, where we can easily socially distance. Once a month,…