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Singing for Joy

Carol Ilten

On Sunday, December 7, and Monday, December 8, the Robson Ranch Singers mixed chorus presented their annual Christmas concert, “Sing for Joy.” Nearly 300 residents attended the concert each night in the beautiful new Hermosa Ballroom.

Directed by Jacquie Fedie and accompanied by Sandy Kantrud, the Singers performed a combination of secular and sacred music, with several lively and humorous numbers added to the mix. Songs included Do You Hear What I Hear, Carol for Advent, The Twelve Days After Christmas, and several carols in which the audience participated.

Featured on the program were two barbershop groups. The Desert Blend quartet composed of Carol and Jim Ilten, Doug Culpepper and Dave Anderson performed Christmas Chopsticks and Jingle Bells, Casa Grande style. The Cactus Blossoms octet followed with Silver Bells and O, Christmas Tree.

The concert included solos by three chorus members. Carol Ilten sang about the Holiday Dinner Party to the tune of Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Doug Culpepper performed Believe from Warner Brothers The Polar Express, and Dave Anderson gave a stirring rendition of O Holy Night. The Singers concluded the evening’s concert with the Hallelujah Chorus by Handel.

Membership in the Robson Ranch Singers is open to any resident of the community. The group meets on Mondays at 4:00 p.m. and will rehearse in the new clubhouse beginning January 5. If you like to sing and are interested in joining the group, please pick up a flyer at the Sports Center or call one of the following board members for specific information: Jim Ilten, president, 520-876-9831 or Connie Koza, vice president, 507-429-7936.