Nancy Friedman
The first class of 2020 was Jan. 9. Sponsored by the Fine Arts Guild, it was presented by Mari Cicola on the topics of ‘Brushes and Their Strokes’ and ‘Techniques for Using Acrylics like Watercolors.’ Proceeds from this class will be donated to the Heart of Eloy.
Mari started the class by demonstrating the strokes of a flat brush to the participants. Then the “wow” factor came into play when she taught us how to use two colors on one flat brush to make beautiful roses. She went on to show us other typical brushes and their strokes usually used by a painter, but then an eye catcher call, the rake brush, was presented. In the afternoon we learned to float acrylic paint similar to what one would do with watercolors. The class then traced an agave cactus and practiced float painting with colors of our choice.
The Fine Arts Guild is proud to announce the studio will be open five full days a week (9 a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m.) plus Saturday afternoons from 1-4 p.m., except when classes are scheduled. At least three classes per month have been scheduled through April at the present time. Most of these classes are for beginning artists and supplies can be provided. If you have ever wanted to try your hand at art, please drop by Studio II and check out our available classes. Membership is $20/calendar year. For more information, contact any of our newly elected officers which include Bob Smith, President; Jeana Capel-Jones, Vice-President; Doreen Beers, Secretary; Nils Johnson, Treasurer; Mickie Storckman, Member-at-Large; or JoAnn Bunyea and Nancy Friedman, Co-Education Directors.