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Traveling Bridge Divas take their skills on the road

Four gals from our Wednesday bridge group just finished our eighth trip of traveling Bridge Divas. These members of our Wednesday social bridge travel away from the Ranch for serious bridge playing. That does not necessarily translate into good playing…just lots of it. The group is all girls, and what fun times we have. This year the group of four: Carol Male, Laurie Waluk, Sandy Christopher and Babs Barney-Steeves went to Red Mountain Ranch in Mesa. We stopped on our way there for lunch at Paradise Bakery in San Tan Village. Our only other outing out of the condo was to Hacienda de Rosa for a wonderful Mexican lunch. On Wednesday when we play at the club we put one nickel in the pot for every “set” trick we have. After the total of all play for the three days, the big winner took the entire pot of nickels, dimes and quarters. During our stay we played a total of 224 hands of bridge. Babs was the grand champion and took home $7!