Tennis Club 2017 Executive Board: Barbara Sewell, Linda Gayer, CJ Azaria and Bill Christofferson; missing was Tom Harris
Paul Gayer
The general membership meeting was held last November to elect officers for the 2017 Tennis Club year. After the election the Board met to plan and prepare for the upcoming tennis season.
Intercommunity tennis socials was first on the list of things to implement this year. Starting with the community SunBird in Chandler, which is held yearly, players competed in men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. Our two communities were well matched, and it made for an exciting day of friendly competition. The month of February brought Province in Maricopa to our courts for a home match followed up with an away match at their facility. Traveling to Sun City Anthem at Merrill Ranch in Florence will be done in March as well as their traveling to Robson.
Friday Night Socials will be held on the third Friday of each month with tennis play 4:00-6:00 p.m. followed by dinner and drinks in the Fireside Room at the Ranch House. The first Friday Night Social for the year was to be held in January. After cancelling the third Friday due to rain, the in-house social was rescheduled for the fourth Friday. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate that day either! The next Friday Night Social was planned for February 17.
Check out the tennis bulletin boards, which are located right outside the Sports Club by the tennis courts, for all information pertaining to the Tennis Club at Robson Ranch. Whether you are new to tennis or want to return to tennis, we welcome all players. Contact any executive board member or Tennis Club member!