Barb Sewell, Tom Harris and Linda Gayer

Cookie Smith and Linda Gayer
Paul Gayer
The Tennis Club at Robson Ranch has stayed busy this winter. After hosting two communities in a Sunday Social Tennis Mini-Tournament our club traveled to compete with them on their home courts.
Unfortunately the match at Province at Maricopa needed to be postponed until a later date. Between their players ‘scheduling issues and our players’ commitments in other activities, no date could be found. We will try again in late spring or early fall.
We were, however, able to travel to Sun City Anthem at Merrill Ranch to play against their players. After a continental breakfast we hit the tennis courts for some competitive play. With eight courts we were able to play the women’s doubles and the men’s doubles at the same time. Immediately following those matches the mixed doubles teams took the courts. The matches were quite close all afternoon, but in the end Robson Ranch won the overall tournament. We all enjoyed a lunch together to close out the afternoon.
Every third Friday of the month is Friday Night Social. All members are invited to play from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in a social round robin format. Everyone then gathers in the Fireside Room at the restaurant to enjoy dinner and drinks together. If you’ve never been part of this group before, why not join us on Friday, April 21. Sign up at the bulletin boards right outside the Sports Club.
Whether you are a beginning tennis player, a returning-to-tennis tennis player or an experienced tennis player, come out to the courts anytime to play. Joining the Tennis Club is easy to do! Contact a current member or any executive board member to get started! Information is on the bulletin boards.