Tennis Club cornhole tournament

The winners of the Tennis Club cornhole tournament, Phil Oliver and Dave Cannella
On April 14, the Tennis Club held its Friday Night Social, along with the annual meeting. Players hit the courts from 4 to 5:45 p.m., playing mixed doubles social round-robin format. Following the tennis, members of the club and their spouses headed to the Grill for the annual meeting, grilled hamburgers and hot dogs meal boxes, and a cornhole tournament.
At the annual meeting, two open executive board positions were on the ballot. After all the votes were counted, the two-year position of secretary will be held by Pauline Graham and the two-year member-at-large position by CJ Azaria. The three executive board members who have one year remaining include Linda Gayer, president; Bill Christofferson, treasurer; and member-at-large, Larry Hasting.
With partners chosen at random, the cornhole tournament players took the field. Playing a single-elimination format, the competition heated up. At the end of the night, the winning team of Dave Cannella and Phil Oliver took home the prizes.
A special thanks to Sara and the Ranch House crew for grilling for us and setting up the tournament. If you would like to get back into tennis, to be trained on the ball machine, or to find scheduled games, contact any executive board members, whose contact information is located on the bulletin boards located outside the Sports Club.