Tag: pinochle


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2017 – 2018 Pinochle Winter Marathon ends

  Larry Kostroski The Pinochle Club at Robson Ranch recently announced the results of the 2017-2018 Pinochle Marathon. Teams of players competed from January through April in matches held in the host couple’s home. Play consisted of 16 hands per match that resulted in scores ranging from 287 to 1,038 points. All play used double…

Calling all pinochle players and those who wish to learn

Larry Kostroski From October 1 through April 30 the RR Pinochle Club is holding lessons every Friday evening from 6:20-9:00 p.m. in the Sports Center. We are looking for individuals who have never played pinochle and those that have not played in years. Club play includes the following game options: 4 Handed Double Deck; 5…

2016-2017 Pinochle Winter Marathon Ends

First place team was Rick and Nan Taylor

Larry Kostroski The Pinochle Club at Robson Ranch recently announced the results of the 2016-2017 Pinochle Marathon. Teams of players competed from November through March in matches held in the host couple’s home. Play consisted of 16 hands per match that resulted in scores ranging from 253 to 1,086 points. All play used double decks.…

2015-2016 Pinochle Winter Marathon ends

First place: Larry and Julie Kostroski

Larry Kostroski The Pinochle Club at Robson Ranch recently announced the results of the 2015-2016 Pinochle Marathon. Eight teams of players competed this winter in seven matches held in the host couple’s home. Play consisted of 16 hands per match that resulted in scores ranging from 91 to 1,035 points. All play used double decks.…

2015 summer Pinochle Marathon ends

First place winners Scott and Diane Kincaid

Larry Kostroski The Pinochle Club at Robson Ranch recently announced the results of the 2015 summer Pinochle Marathon. Five teams of players competed this summer in five matches held in the host couple’s home. Play consisted of 16 hands per match that resulted in scores ranging from 399 to 976 points. All play used two…