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2016-2017 Pinochle Winter Marathon Ends

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First place team was Rick and Nan Taylor

First place team was Rick and Nan Taylor

Larry Kostroski

The Pinochle Club at Robson Ranch recently announced the results of the 2016-2017 Pinochle Marathon. Teams of players competed from November through March in matches held in the host couple’s home. Play consisted of 16 hands per match that resulted in scores ranging from 253 to 1,086 points. All play used double decks.

The first place team was Rick and Nan Taylor with an average of 883 points per match. The second place team was Larry and Julie Kostroski with an average of 728 points per match. Rami and Orly Mayron finished third with a 707 point average.

During this season one team was also awarded for its defensive efforts. Bob and Harriet Smith held opponents to an average of 607 points per match. Awards were also given for high game score, low game score and low average score.

If you are interested in learning to play pinochle, the club has instructors available on Friday evenings from 6:30 to approximately 9:00 p.m. from early October through the end of March. The Pinochle Club meets in the Sports Center and generally plays double deck four-handed but also teaches both triple deck, five and six- handed so that any sized group can be accommodated. During the summer club members also meet on Fridays to get in some more games with this friendly group of players.

Lastly, if you already know how to play, the Pinochle Club also meets on Monday evenings year-round from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the Sports Center. The Pinochle Club is chartered through RR. Additionally we do not play for money. Participation in the club is based on a “first come, first served” basis due to limits on seating and decks of cards. The officers of the club are Larry Kostroski, John Fischer and Clyde Smith. If you have any questions please call Larry Kostroski at 520-421-2129.