Do you sew, paint, make pottery, do woodworking, work in glass or jewelry?
We are asking early that if you are one of the many creative people here in our community, would you consider making a special piece that you might donate to the SOT-AZ for their November Raffle Baskets and Live Auctions? We thought we might give you a heads-up early on, before some of you leave for the summer, that we need your support to make these auctions come to life and earn the monetary donations we need to keep helping the veterans in our Eloy and Casa Grande areas to include Pinal County.
So, if you can please spare the time to make something special to help these veterans who need our assistance, please contact Tom Walton [email protected] or Sally Van Arsdale [email protected].
We will be happy to accept and store your work of art until the auction. Thank you.