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Summer of Psalms

Pastor Larry Sundin

Pastor Larry Sundin

One of the enduring values of Rock Springs Church is our commitment to providing a quality worship experience to our community 52 Sundays a year. Now, we’re well aware that many of you head north to visit family and enjoy cooler temperatures. But we also know that there are just as many of you who faithfully hang tough right here at Robson Ranch through the occasional haboob, monsoon rains, and our world-famous “dry heat.” That’s why we want to be a place on Sunday mornings where you might find refreshment and encouragement as you gather to worship our good and gracious God.

And that is why this summer we want to encourage you to join us for a Summer of Psalms on Sunday mornings. The Psalms have a lot to teach us about life, about wisdom, and even ourselves. The Psalms show us how we can find rest, security, and delight in God. They remind us of why the nations rage and why we are sometimes so restless and afraid. And the Psalms reveal truth to us about God’s goodness, mercy, strength, and love that we may not otherwise learn.

So, if you’re looking for respite from the heat and some refreshment for your soul as you brave another squelcher of a summer here at the Ranch, why not join us for our Summer of Psalms as we meet to worship the Lord who leads us beside still waters, restores our souls, and follows us daily with His goodness and love. We worship together every Sunday morning at 9 a.m. in the Hermosa Ballroom, and we’d love to worship with you. As David reminds us: “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.” Psalm 34:8

May you enjoy the blessing of God’s presence wherever you worship Him this summer.