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RRLGA holds 7th annual Past Presidents’ Day


Barbara Gayer

Each year the past presidents of our RRLGA put together a fun themed golf day. This year the past presidents’ theme was Lady Legends. Each of the 18 tee boxes had a posted sign highlighting some fun facts and quotes of female golf legends. Each member played her own game; however, after each hole as you read about the highlighted legend you also had a heart shaped note giving you the clue as to whose score you were taking on the previous hole. A good time was had by all and as our themed events go, we had great participation in the “dressing for the part” portion. Since it was held the day before Valentine’s Day many of our ladies adopted that theme.

Past Presidents’ Day results:

1st: Lois Hammond, Dell Hoff, Sharon Kasper, Glady Miller; 2nd: Dema Harris, Gloria LaMere, Mona Rod, Linda Walker; 3rd: Connie Douglas, Karen Fuller, Jan Harris, Sally Kartes

Other results from February league days:

February 6, 2018 (Sucker in the Bucket) four person team play

1st: Patty Bruchez, Mary Kindt, Glady Miller, Pam Mumy; 2nd: Char Burrill, Carol Hallock, Bobbie Johnson, Jeri Srenaski; 3rd: Cathy Edge, Dell Hoff, MaryLou Walton, Susan Worner;

February 20, 2018 (You Pick Nine, after play):

Flight 1: 1st, Lorna Watts; 2nd, Karen Connell; 3rd, Kathy Holwick

Flight 2: 1st, Glady Miller; 2nd, Mary Pryor; 3rd, Shirley Eluik;

Flight 3: 1st, Jean DeChristopher; 2nd, Carol Hallock; 3rd, Deb Parker

Flight 4: 1st, Barbara Gayer; 2nd, Linda Walker; 3rd, Cathy Edge

February 27, 2018 (Irish Four Ball) four person team play:

1st: Lois Hammond, Mary Kindt, Diane Oster, Susan Worner; 2nd: Candy Burtis, Fran Fowler, Barbara Gayer, Linda Stach; 3rd: BLIND, Bobbie Johnson, Dee Lee, Margie Poplawski

The RRLGA is pleased to welcome our February new members, Jeanette Favreau and Diane Oster. If you are interested in joining the RRLGA please contact our membership chair, Robin Barber, at [email protected].