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Ropin’in Yer Relatives Genealogy Club Begins in November

Pat Sand

The Ropin’ in Yer Relatives Genealogy Club will hold their first meeting of the 2021-22 year on Tuesday, Nov. 2, at 7 p.m. in the Laredo Room of the clubhouse. The topic of discussion is “Getting Ready for the 1950 Census.” U.S. censuses are a primary source of information for genealogists. The speaker, Bonnie Belza, has been a frequent presenter for the club and brings to us many years of genealogy experience.

The Nov. 16 speaker us Beth Taylor, who will discuss “Utilizing Family History Consultants.” Family history consultants offer free 20-minute consultations from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. Consultants can help break through brick walls and provide next steps for your research. This seminar will show you how to leverage the family history consultants as a resource in your research.

Ropin’ in Yer Relatives Genealogy Club meets the first and third Tuesday of every month from November through March at 7 p.m. in the Laredo Room. You can easily join the Ropin’ in Yer Relatives Genealogy Club. Simply bring your payment to our first meeting. Individual dues are $20 (or $25 per couple) annually. Fees cover speaker and education costs for members. If you have questions, please email Pat Sand at [email protected].